Heal The Planet Together Inc

Heal The Planet's SEED (Sustainable Energy EDucation) Program - Empowering the next generation to become catalysts of change.

The aroma of fresh fruit and buzzing energy filled the room at Deerfield Beach Middle School. It wasn't just another class; it was a SEED Program session, and something magical was brewing. Amidst the sea of eager faces, one student's comment hung heavy in the air. "I can't afford to eat healthy," they confessed, their voice barely a whisper, "but this smoothie?" they sipped thoughtfully, "It's the healthiest thing I've had all day." Adding, “Now that I am full, I don’t have to worry about what to eat at home.” The student’s words, though simple, painted a stark reality.

That day, the SEED Program went beyond teaching healthy eating. It addressed the hidden issue of food insecurity for many students, for whom school meals are often their only reliable source of nutrition. The SEED lesson's magic lay not just in teaching them how to whip up a delicious smoothie, but in reassuring them that healthy choices could be affordable, accessible, and even fun. As the session unfolded, another student's comment fueled the fire. "These recipes seem easy!" they exclaimed, excitement dancing in their eyes. But then, a shadow crossed their face. "But can I afford the ingredients?" The question echoed through the room, resonating with others who might share the same unspoken concern.

The SEED Program educator smiled warmly. "Absolutely!" she exclaimed, dispelling the worry. "These ingredients are budget-friendly, readily available, and pack a powerful punch of nutrients." Her words were more than just reassurance; they were a key to unlocking a world of possibilities. The session ended with a ripple of excitement. Beyond learning how to make a nutritious smoothie, they now understood that healthy food can be affordable and were planning their next delicious smoothie. The SEED Program wasn't just giving them knowledge; it was empowering them to become agents of change in their own lives, their families, and their communities.


"These ingredients are budget-friendly, readily available, and pack a powerful punch of nutrients."

Joanna JoySEED Program Educator, Heal The Planet

The student who felt satiated for the first time from a smoothie, the one who saw affordability in healthy choices – their  individual stories  were testaments to the SEED Program's transformative power. They were beacons of hope, each one radiating the potential for a healthier, brighter future, not only for themselves, but for Broward County and beyond. 

The revolution had begun, not with a roar, but with a whisper, a smoothie, and a dream nurtured by the SEED Program. Our unique program holistically teaches children about the power of choice and worthiness through the topics of mindfulness, nutrition, sustainability, and movement.  Will you help us continue fostering these dreams? Your gift today can empower another student to experience the life-changing impact of healthy eating. Give today and be a part of this ongoing revolution for a healthier future.

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